Image archive from the home page

See the early history of at (if is still working)


March 1, 2001
March 31, 2001
April 18, 2001
May 19, 2001
July 23, 2001

September 29, 2001


Emma won a prize for being lady liberty in the Allandale 4th of July Parade

July 2008

to 10-20-08


William works out his facial muscles!

June 2008

to 10/2/09


Emmaline manages mother's day 2008

May 2008

to 5/16/09

Two happy kids in Wimberly

April 2008

to 5/9/09


Emmaline Margaret gets some quality time with Grandma Margaret

March 2008

to 4/24/09

William says hi from the Gullett Elementary park

February 2008

to 2/14/09

We spend a beautiful Austin Afternoon at Amy's Ice Cream

to 1/30/09

Christmas in the new (at the time) and empty house!

to 1/19/09

William is happy to wear his Mayan headress from the Gullett Elementary carnival

to 1/12/09

Yahoo, Pumpkins!

to 1/3/09

William in Gymnastic Attire

to 12/19/08

Wednesday's at the farmers market are always fun and wet!

to 12/3/08

Swinging in the park

to 10/22/08

yes, that's a very long time

Time for school pictures!

to 5/2/08


Emmaline's new friend in Bastrop

to 3/15/08

Please, come pour confetti on my head!

to 2/1/08

Unleashing kids on the kitchen

to 1/14/08

(yes, that was a long time, there were some little excuses about why this took so long.  They didn't really add up to six months)

Emmaline draws her world

to 5/25/07

William doesn't quite believe in Santa yet

to 4/19/07

It's good having a brother

to 3/7/07

October is a good time for Angels and Dinosaurs!

to 2/18/07


to 12/27/06

Spending time with Grandma Jerry

to 11/22/06

William Benson, bike safety champion

to 10/18/06

Thinking goes best on the swings

to 9/23/06

Please try to keep up Dad!

to 9/9/06

Grandma Margaret, Emmaline, and Daddy spend the day at Sea World

to 8/05/06

Easter kids and their Easter cookies, courtesy of Grandma Linda

to 7/10/06

Mother is not a job for the weak

to 6/09/06

I'm learning to not hide from Daddy's camera

to 4/30/06

Yahoo!  I'm Two!

to 4/09/06

Merry Christmas from Emmaline and Austin!

to 3/25/06

Austin is blessed with some very nice graffiti!

to 2/1/06

Happiness is having a park 3 minutes away!

to 1/24/06


Emmaline turns 4, going on 14

to 1/16/06

William gets a little bit bigger in August

to 1/04/06

Who knew Grandma had a honky tonk side to her!

to 12/21/05

Our last month in Houston gave us lots of great pictures!

to 11/28/05

High school is over for Dacia!

to 11/15/05

We're Happy and Clean!

to 11/01/05

Emmaline can fly!

to 10/22/05

I'll miss the animal carousel at the Houston Zoo

To 10/14/2005

I'm a one year old now!

to 6/7/05

I learned to walk in mid December and started running when we went to visit Grandma Margaret at the end of December!

to 5/28/05

Happy to be at the Zoo!

to 5/14/05

I even look good messy!

to 4/27/05

Warning! Swinging is a lot of fun!

to 4/8/05

Mom takes good care of me - August of 2004!

to 3/26/2005

It's always a party when visiting Billy and Abby!

to 3/16/05

Now, everybody just stay calm, the rowebenson web site is back on the web!

to 3/8/05

Jumping is happiness, William Benson  

Emma in the saucer at 5 mo.

to 3/1/05

Yes, this was a long, long time.  During this long time life got too busy to keep up the web site given that we moved into a new house.  Unfortunately, the domain was up for renewal during this time, and Alan didn't bother to renew it.  Some internet scum company bought it, thinking they could sell it back to us.

I get cuter every day

to 9/14/04

Yes, Houston is very humid, but it pays off when making bubbles!

to 7/5/04

I can smile, but I have a serious side too

to 4/28/04

Will gets used to life at home

to 3/7/04

Will gets used to life at home

to 2/14/04

William Axel Benson was born on January 6th, 1:50AM - 9 pounds, 8 onces.  Baby and Mom are both doing great

to 1/31/04

I'm a big girl now!

to 1/6/04

Yahoo, I'm two!

to 12/11/03

Emmaline, Mom, and Dad take a trip to Idaho and Washington

to 11/21/03

If there's water involved, it's a good time!

to 9/10/03

Even in Houston's summer, I like being outside with Mommy!

to 8/26/03

I'm a happy to see Mama and Dacia! 

to 7/13/03

Dad buys a new digital camera. Hide from the flash!

to 6/6/03

My car is fun to drive and tasty too!

to 4/15/03

I'm driving my own car

to 3/20/03

Happy Holidays from Houston

to 2/4/03

I go to mother's day out twice a week.  I got my picture taken there too!

to 12/31/02

I'm a movie star!

to 11/23/02


Emmaline spends time on the farm visiting with the Idaho family

To 10/15/02

Just another bath!

To 9/13/02

Yes, I am in fact an Angel

to 8/7/02

I love baby food.  Why don't grown ups eat it too?

to 7/21/2002


Mom and Dad...get your baby-proofing done because I'm on the move!

to 7/13/02

The world looks a little different now that I can sit up on my own!

to 5/27/02

March is a great month to be outside, especially for little six-month-old Emma

to 5/8/02

More fun with five month old Emma

to 4/13/02

Julie, Will, Ana, Billy, and Abby come to Houston and say hello to Emmaline

to 3/17/02

Emmaline Margaret meets Grandma Margaret

to 2/17/02

Emma rolls over for the first time on December 29th

to 01-20-02

Merry Christmas from all us in Houston!

to 01-07-02


Emmaline loves spending time in her gym, a gift from the nice
people in Compaq's user experience group

to 12-25-01

Emmaline learns to smile in her second month

to 12-10-01

Emmaline and the family's first month!
It's great to have Emmaline home with us!

Baby Benson comes home for the first time!
Emmaline joins the family!

to 9/30/01

Anna sitting in the pregnancy chair, a week before Emmaline arrived

to 9-25-01

The girls before the eighth grade dance.  Dacia's smashing hairstyle is complements of Joanna

9/8/01 to 9/17/02

The family through the years 

Memorial Day 2001 - A Weekend at the Frio River

Christmas 2000 - Joanna comes Houston

January 2000 - What a difference a year make

Thanksgiving 1998 - Year zero for the family

