Emmaline Margaret Rowe Benson

She was born at 5:00PM September 24th, weighing 8 pounds and 9 ounces.  She's measured 22 inches in length and was completely beautiful.  Anna is doing well, as is Alan, her delighted father.

Also, see the images of our girl before she was born


Emmaline in her mother's arms a few seconds after birth.

A very tired Anna with her new daughter.
Doctor Betty Edward, Nurses Debbie and Kim did a fabulous job in delivering the baby.
Emmaline in the nursery going through all the normal checks.
Our girl in a contemplative mood
A more rested Anna in her room with Emmaline.
Both proud parents with their new girl.
Emmaline's big sister Dacia holds her for the first time
Joanna and Emmaline 

rowebenson home - emmaline home



